Thursday 19 September 2024

Signs that you’re a car enthusiast

Car enthusiasts don’t only enjoy driving the motors they have in their possession. Many of them like to know the ins and outs of the automotive industry too, with an interest in the latest cars on the market, and the inner workings of each of them. They relish every detail and follow car news stories with a passion, and they long to have more of an involvement in the motoring world, beyond their Sunday drives and morning commutes.

Could you be the same? Are you a car enthusiast? If you have related to the above you might be. Here are some other signs that suggest your passion for motoring goes way beyond that of the average driver on the road.

You spend a long time caring for your car

Many people give their car a good clean on a Saturday afternoon, but it might be that you spend a little longer than most. You might make every effort to get your car looking like it has come fresh from a showroom, spending an age washing, buffing, and waxing it. Chances are, you might not be happy until you can clearly see your reflection shining out from the bonnet.

Your car is your career

There are all kinds of career options in the automotive industry, and you might have fallen into one of them. You could be an auto mechanic, a car detailer, or even a car salesman. You might even be a driving instructor or a vehicle inspector, and you might buy and sell cars on the internet. You’re in a motoring career because you like to be hands-on in the trade, and every other type of job to you seems lacking in comparison.

Your calendar is marked with upcoming car events

There are all kinds of car events happening in 2021, and chances are, you have more than a couple of them marked on your calendar already. The London Classic Car Show is a big one for February and continuing the retro theme, there is also the Total Retro Show in Kendal in May and the Vintage Nostalgia Festival in Wiltshire the following month. There are also events that celebrate Volkswagen, Audi, and the humble Mini, and many more besides. You can check them out in the previous link.

You are keen to learn everything about your car

Do you regularly read your car’s manual to get to grips with everything that is going on beneath the bonnet? Do you scour forums that are populated with reviews and stories about your model of motor from other car lovers? Do you visit those websites and YouTube channels that go into depth about the car that is sitting on your drive? If so, you’re a real car enthusiast and the knowledge you contain might be encyclopedic.

There is nothing wrong with being a car enthusiast, of course. Many of us have a keen interest in something that is a part of our lives. So, if you have related to this post today, we hope you continue to enjoy both your car and the motoring activities that you enjoy taking part in.

** This is a collaborative post

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