Sunday 28 April 2024

What to do with a cracked windscreen

It happens to most drivers at some point. You’re driving along and then you suddenly notice that there’s a new crack in your windscreen. Sometimes, it can be hard to pinpoint what, exactly, caused it to appear in the first place.

Either way, it can be something of a concern and definitely not something that you should think to ignore. Here, we’re going to look at your options to prevent it from spreading and what you should end up doing.

Try to keep it in a consistent place

While windscreens are designed to be strong and stable, when they are cracked, some of the more annoying attributes of glass can become even more of a concern. For instance, glass can contract in cold weather and expand as it heats up.

This normally isn’t a problem, but when the windscreen is cracked, changes in temperature can cause the fractured pieces to build friction, which can lead to the crack spreading very quickly. As such, keeping your car in the shade, under a protective cover can help you avoid frequent temperature changes.

Make a temporary fix if you have to

If you aren’t able to get the help of a professional immediately, then there are steps that you can take to mitigate the damage of a cracked windscreen and offer some basic repairs. Super glue and clear nail polish are both routinely used to fill in the cracks, allowing them to dry before you use clear packing tape to keep the crack clean until you can get it repaired.

Windscreen repair kits are also available at many motor suppliers for a more thorough fix.

Get it fixed by a professional

You shouldn’t treat the emergency triage mentioned above as the only way to repair your windscreen. They should be treated as temporary until you’re able to see a real windscreen repair. These professionals can ensure that you’re getting the full level of repair that you need.

Depending on the severity of the crack, it might be as simple as filling and sealing it with specialist fluid or you might need to replace the windscreen. Whatever the case, it’s best to get it repaired as quickly as possible, as cracks can spread quickly.

Keep it off the road

Most important of all is that you don’t continue to drive around like your cracked windscreen doesn’t exist. Even the lightest bumps can start to spread that crack and it can happen very suddenly. It can make safe driving much more difficult, as it can be distracting and take up more of your view while you’re driving. What’s more, the windscreen is more likely to give way if you do end up in a collision, not providing the protection that it is designed for in the first place.

Getting a fix as soon as possible really is the best way to ensure that you deal with a cracked windscreen without having to worry too much. Hopefully, the tips above help you deal with it before too long.

** This is a collaborative post

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