Sunday 28 April 2024

Things to teach a newly-licenced driver

Seeing a child learn how to drive and ultimately become legally qualified to do so is an exciting time. But of course, knowing that your own child can quite happily take to the roads by themselves is something of a worrying thought for many parents, even if they’re completely capable of doing so.

As such, it might be that you wish to relay a few driving or vehicle-based principles they can use to get the most out of their lifetime career on the roads. For example, teaching them the primary basics such as how to check their tyre pressure, the importance of reading through the vehicle manual so dashboard lights are familiar when presented, and even the necessity of setting ground rules when transporting peers is all key.

In this post, then, we’ll discuss three car principles to teach your newly-licensed driver, so their adventurous spirit and youthful chance of recklessness will never show in their behaviour on the roads.

Detail the car correctly

It can be very tempting for young drivers to implement their own graphic decals, fake body kits, and even paint jobs that speak to bravado aside from any sense of good taste. If it’s their vehicle and they’re funding it, of course, it’s their right to have whatever work they wish for implemented, provided the car remains roadworthy and easy to operate.

Yet it can also be healthy to show them professional car detailing services that can provide a high-quality solution rather than allowing their friend or a local, cheaper service to do it, because then good-taste and worthwhile application will remain essential factors – despite the tastes of a teenager.

Sensible driving saves money

It can be tempting for young drivers to try and drive in a way that both matches road law but also allows them to feel confident and cool on the roads, such as accelerating quickly, braking only when necessary, and trying to arrive as quickly as possible within the speed limit.

It’s important to emphasize that vehicles which are driven smoothly and sensibly tend to require less fuel and require less maintenance in the long term – if you can emphasize the effect on their wallet then often the boundary-pushing theatrics will come to a stop on their own.

Get a dashcam!

For such a small investment, a dashcam could potentially save your son expensive court bills or insurance claims made against them. It’s very easy for legal proceedings or insurance companies to take a critical eye towards a new driver, especially a young male driver, who may often be seen as risk-taking or irresponsible.

Yet a dashcam can help dispute any driving issue that may not be their fault, such as a vehicle rear-ending them despite your son remaining motionless at a junction, or being accused of running a red light when that wasn’t the case. This can also provide a worthwhile gift for someone who has just learned to drive, allowing them to get into those habits right away.

With this advice, we’re sure your newly-licensed driver will be safe and responsible on the roads in all ways.

** This is a collaborative post

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