3 Reasons you should offer an employee shuttle service
Back in 2019, having a company shuttle was not that too big of a deal. It used to be an option for most companies, and it was only used by those that operated at night. Now that the world is facing a health crisis, this employee-center business solution has resurfaced. If you’re a business owner, provide employee shuttle services to make sure that the operations are continuous and everyone is safe from the virus.
But how come it is only now that business leaders see this as a viable option that can help their teams? Why did they not think of that before? Perhaps it is the point of no return caused by the virus itself. In any case, let us talk about the benefits of employee transportation (in a pre-pandemic context).
1. Enhanced productivity
The amount of time your employees spend commuting every day can already be productive hours spent in the office. It might only appear like a few minutes in the morning, but when you put all the times they come in late, you will be surprised by how much can change for the better.
The time and energy spent commuting can also affect how soon your staff can go about their day. You cannot possibly expect your team to start working right after they sit down, not when they have just gone through public transportation.
People also do not usually function immediately in the morning. It is usual for employees to start slow and usually do some administrative tasks first over a coffee cup before really making work progress. Thus, when you provide them access to a company shuttle, you are reducing the said time of cool down. It is because you are allowing your staff to do nothing but condition themselves for work after they leave their houses. There will be minimal distractions in the morning and less absenteeism and tardiness. Your employees will be able to focus quickly on their tasks.
2. Lower turnover rate
Do you know how many employees would fight for this company’s benefit? A lot. It is because not many business organizations go this far for their employees. Hence, when your recruitment manager shares this with potential candidates, there is a high chance that the talent will say yes to you. Transportation means is one of the most critical factors employees think of in job applications. How far is the official site, and how long will the commute be? But when you provide them with a transportation means, such as an employee shuttle service then these reservations will cease to exist.
Furthermore, you will be able to retain great talents in your team. Of course, employee benefits do not only end with a company ride, but you are saving so much time for your staff, too. Imagine there would also be parents in your team who have kids waiting at home, and so by giving them access to convenient transportation, you could bring families closer, too. In return, you would have a satisfied, grateful, and well-performing team.
3. You also help save the planet
As you well know, the country has many strict regulations that ask for businesses’ compliance in preserving the Australian environment. Many e-commerce organizations are now using biodegradable materials for their packaging. Also, manufacturing businesses take more serious methods such as using fewer diesel-powered machines and installing oil water separator systems to comply with local regulations and prevent water pollution commonly caused by factories.
Thus, as a business leader in a corporate setting, what can you do to help reduce the carbon footprint in the world? Yes, you provide transportation for your employees. By doing so, you are technically decreasing fuel consumption that they would make if they were to drive their own cars to work or even take public transportation. When you look at the bigger picture, you are helping more than social media hashtags about the subject of global warming. In the long run, you will even start to revolutionize the workplace industry in the country.
Final thoughts
Now that the world is slowly transitioning out of the global pandemic, employee transportation may go along with our face masks, but who is to say that they need to go? Yes, it might cost you, but the benefits it brings to your staff and your operations will be worth it. This trying time has shown everyone a clear area for improvement, and this is one f those. As a business leader, you will know the best thing to do if it helps both your people and your investment.
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