Monday 17 February 2025

It’s all about the retro: grab yourself an 80s classic

As a young motoring enthusiast of the 1980s, you can probably remember Saturday morning kids TV, the fall of the Soviet Union, Roland Rat and Margaret Thatcher. You probably also have a recollection of the angular chassis’ of the boxy vehicles of the decade, the gunmetal grey, black and red metallic paints and the spoilers that graced every so-called sports version of a motor. The 1980s is seeing a resurgence in fashion, the media and interior design. It makes sense that the world of motoring would also embrace this nostalgic look back to a retro era. Take a look at the retro classics you might be tempted to own again.

Vauxhall Cavalier

Everyone knew someone back in the 1980s who had a Vauxhall Cavalier. While it was once seen as boring, drab and ordinary, it is now seen as a symbol of 1980s British car engineering at its greatest. Often seen in mustard yellows, beiges and taupes, the Cavalier has seen a new fanbase emerge with retro-loving twenty-somethings opting for this old classic as their first car. You could easily pick up a bargain on Gumtree, head to an approved Vauxhall bodyshop and sort out the bumper scuffs before enjoying your piece of motoring history.

Volkswagen Golf GTi

The Volkswagen Golf has stood the test of time and remains a popular stalwart of the motoring scene to this day. It’s more rigid, and box-like design of the 1980s has seen it become a classic among forty-somethings who want to recapture a little bit of their youth. If you spot an advert in the classifieds for a four-wheeled beauty that has over 120,000 miles on the clock, there’s a fair chance that it’s a Golf. The engines were the most reliable in their class, and this car is now fetching near classic car levels of interest on sites like eBay.

Toyota Celica

Many Japanese sports cars of the 1980s were made to be more affordable versions of the Porsche or Lamborghini style motors. Emulating Kit from Knight Rider, the Celica had more angles than you could shake a stick at and oozed a futuristic design with its Concorde-esque pointy front. While you might not have the speediest of rides, you will get flip-up headlights and a giant spoiler. 1980s bliss!

Ford Sierra

There’s not a car that looks remotely like the Ford Sierra on the market today. A less than classic beauty, the Sierra’s chassis had to grow on you. However, it soon became a go-to family car of the 1980s. It was reliable, if not exciting and dads up and down the country would take solace in the fact that they owned a car that did particularly well at rallying events. With a gaudy biplane spoiler and ornate alloys, the Sierra could be pimped up to be a genuine status symbol of 1980s affluence.

If you fancy a bit of retro motoring history, consider bagging yourself one of these beauties for a fun ride, a touch of nostalgia and a sound future investment.

** This is a collaborative post

1 thought on “It’s all about the retro: grab yourself an 80s classic

  • Ande

    Nice MK1 Fiesta


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